Newsweek: ‘We..Rely on our writers to submit factually accurate material’

Newsweek “does not have fact-checking department,” Politico reported Aug. 20.

Politico quoted Newsweek spokesperson Andrew Kirk as saying  that “We, like other news organisations today, rely on our writers to submit factually accurate material.”

According to Poynter’s Craig Silverman, Newsweek “ditched its checkers over 15 years ago,” but Time magazine has “a fact-checking department and research department.”

Silverman later corrected his post to note that he “originally stated that Time magazine no longer has a research department and doesn’t employ full-time fact-checkers.” That correction reads in part:

“That was incorrect and was based on reporting done for my book, which was first published in 2007. Time did scale back its fact-checking process in the late 1990s, but it did not end the practice. It still has a research department. It was my mistake to not apply additional verification to information in the book.”

Hat Tip: Corbin Hair