NYDaily News Front Page Features Severed Foot of NYC Taxi Crash Victim Sian Green

How news outlets handle graphic, gory or disturbing photos is topic iMediaEthics has covered numerous times in recent years.

And the New York Daily News has again gotten our attention  While the front-page photo didn’t clearly show blood, the Daily News helpfully circled the severed foot of Sian Green, a British tourist, just in case any readers wanted to see it.

Green was hit by taxi this week and the injury received a great deal of print and air time, especially since TV’s Dr. Mehmet Oz of The Dr Oz Show was pictured helping her.

The photo quality apparently wasn’t very good so, luckily, the foot isn’t clearly shown. Still, in iMediaEthics’ opinion, it was still pretty gross to highlight the severed body part.

Check out, below, an image of the full front-page of the Daily News’ print edition.