Oops! Russia Today map says Japan is next to Australia - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: RT/Facebook)

Russian state-owned broadcaster RT, formerly known as Russia Today, broadcast a map that mislabeled Japan, South Korea and Australia.

The map correctly identified Australia, but labeled South Korea where Papua New Guinea is and Japan where New Zealand is. According to the Guardian, the segment was broadcast Aug. 15.

RT’s spokesperson told iMediaEthics by e-mail, “Our American early morning news team suffered a little geography mishap.”

RT continued, pointing to a recent MSNBC map error, “We were just as surprised as when we saw Moscow in the middle of Siberia the other week on MSNBC, have corrected ours as soon as it was spotted, and have given our team a map of the southern hemisphere to ensure it doesn’t happen again.”

iMediaEthics wrote to MSNBC to ask about the alleged error about the misplacement of Moscow; we haven’t heard back.

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Oops! Russia Today map says Japan is next to Australia

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