Sarah Palin Calls for Retraction, Apology from TIME over Christina Aguilera story

According to Fox News, Sarah Palin wrote to TIME magazine seeking retraction and apology over its story citing satirical news site SuperTuesdayNews’ fake comments that Palin called for Christina Aguilera to be deported after botching the National Anthem at the Super Bowl (See StinkyJournalism’s report here about the SuperTuesdayNews story hoaxing both US Weekly and TIME).

Palin wrote:

“Have your editors retract Time’s most recent ridiculous lies about me supposedly giving Sean Hannity a radio interview wherein I supposedly talked about Christina Aguilera (that I slammed her for her Nat’l Anthem mistake, and called for her deportation, etc). You guys were fooled into running a fake story that even US Weekly pulled and apologized for their blunder. Total lies – and you guys (once again) even put quotation marks around things I have never uttered. Then, Time needs to run an apology to Christina along with the retraction. (Add Hannity in your apology, too…those good folks don’t deserve to be in a caustic, untrue story about me.)”

TIME has published “clarification” since media outlets started calling it out for falling for the hoax.  The update reads: “(CLARIFICATION: Palin did not, in fact, say this. It was a tongue-in-cheek link to an article that was intended as a joke.)”