Uses Wrong Photo with Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Story

Whoops! used the wrong photo with a story on the Bravo show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

The entertainment news story was headlined “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills‘s Brandi Glanville: ‘I Made Out with Carlton Gebbia'” and was accompanied by side-by-side photos of Glanville with a man. The photo caption read “Brandi Glanville and Carlton Gebbia.”

The person on the right is NOT Carlton Gebbia. (Credit:, screenshot)>

But, Gebbia is a woman.

Instead of using a photo of Gebbia, People used a photo of Gebbia’s husband, David Gebbia.  Carlton Gebbia is a cast member of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, according to Bravo’s website.

A cropped version of the Getty Images photo. (Credit: Getty, screenshot)

The image of her husband that was used to accompany the People article appears to be a cropped and slightly rotated version of the below Getty Images picture.  The original photo showed both Carlton and David Gebbia as well as two other people.

What appears to be the original photo from Getty Images. (Credit: Getty Images, screenshot)

Several commenters called out the photo error, writing:

“Why are you putting up a picture of Carlton’s husband? Really? Whoever wrote this story doesn’t actually know it’s talking about a woman? Kinda sad.”
“that’s a pic of Carlton’s husband. So funny People published this…I think it would be much more of a scandal if Brandi kissed Carlton’s husband!!!”
“Carlton is a woman, the person pictured is her husband!!”
“Carlton is a girl!! Wrong picture! How would this story even make sense if Carlton was a man?”
“I’m sure whomever that guy is in the picture is going to be very upset to learn that he’s actually a woman lol. I can’t believe you didn’t fact check just a little. I can Google Carlton Gebbia and see that she’s a SHE without even having ever watched the show. Brandi however, isn’t even newsworthy. Give me a break and fix Carlton’s picture, she’s much prettier than he is.”

iMediaEthics agrees with the last commenter’s point that a quick Google search shows People‘s error. Granted, I’ve never watched this show, but it took just a few minutes to discover that People used a photo of the wrong spouse.

At some point in the late afternoon yesterday, swapped the erronenous photo with a screenshot from the show. No correction was posted.

iMediaEthics has written to People for a correction and will update with any response.

Thanks to Kaitlyn Yopp for letting us know about this error. Send us your tips at