by Sydney Smith on Sep 19, 2012
Obama Got Quote Approval in Vanity Fair Profile
The New York Times adds Michael Lewis to the list of journalists having to let politicians approve quotes before he...
The New York Times adds Michael Lewis to the list of journalists having to let politicians approve quotes before he...
Haitian prime minister Laurent Lamothe and a Florida "businessman" claim the Haiti-Observateur's August and September articles were libelous as well...
Science News will "plan to try to watch out" for any possible appearances of blurred lines between its advertising and...
The University of Central Oklahoma's upcoming "annual Media Ethics Conference" will focus on "sports, politics and news" reporting, according to...
As we previously wrote, the New York Times defended its publication of a photo of U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher...
The Wall Street Journal unpublished two articles by Jonah Lehrer that "inappropriately reused passages from articles he wrote for the...
The Associated Press explained why it included a reference to Bill Clinton's perjury charge related to Monica Lewinsky, the Huffington...
The Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma is holding a workshop Sept. 21-22 on "Covering Suicide." In an email announcing...
The New York Times corrected an article about USA Today's recent re-design to properly name "James Bond's boss." The Sept....
The University of Washington's Department of Communications is looking for a "full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor who focuses on journalism and communication...