Politico changes 'What if you could get your own immigrant' headline

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“What if you could get your own immigrant?”

Politico published an article headlined with that question. After many readers complained that it was offensive and that the story suggested indentured servitude, Politico changed the headline and added an editor’s note to the Feb. 13 article by Eric Posner and Glen Weyl. Now the headline reads, “Sponsor an immigrant yourself.”

The editor’s note reads:

Editor’s note: This article, and particularly its original headline (“What If You Could Get Your Own Immigrant?”), was offensive to many readers. We changed the headline on Tuesday night to better reflect the authors’ intent, and asked them to respond to the criticism, but they declined. POLITICO Magazine has always been a platform for a wide range of views, and we do not endorse the opinions expressed in any article we publish.”

Weyl, one of the co-authors and a senior research scholar at Yale University’s economics department and Law School, tweeted that “we had no influence on the original title and I regret it, along with elements of the tone.” He added, “I stand by the title.”

iMediaEthics wrote to Politico to ask about the lack of response from the authors of the article in question.

Politico spokesperson Brad Dayspring noted to iMediaEthics that neither Posner nor Weyl are Politico employees and that Politico didn’t know why they chose not to respond to the criticism. “The headline was changed on Tuesday, as the note makes clear—prior to much of the social media response,” he wrote. “Beyond that, the editor’s note speaks for itself.” iMediaEthics has written to Posner and Weyl.

On Twitter, readers compared the article to indentured servitude and questioned-slash-hoped it was satire.

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Politico Changes ‘What if you could get your own immigrant’ headline

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