Prince Harry gets $ from photo agency for bedroom, living room pictures - iMediaEthics

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Prince Harry (Credit: Staff Sgt. Andrew Lee/Wikipedia)

Splash News and Picture Agency has paid Prince Harry an undisclosed amount of money after taking photos from a helicopter of the prince’s home with Meghan Markle. The photos showed the bedroom, living and dining rooms of a home in the Cotswolds.

The prince’s representatives issued a statement saying the home in question was chosen because it had a “high level of privacy,” but Splash flew a helicopter at a “low altitude” and then sold the pictures to various news outlets, according to the Guardian. “The syndication and publication of the photographs very seriously undermined the safety and security of the duke and the home to the extent that they are no longer able to live at the property.”

The prince sued for invasion of privacy and data protection over the January photos. But, this week in court, Splash admitted its “error of judgment” in taking the photos. According to the Associated Press, Splash said it would “cease and desist from selling, issuing, publishing or making available the photographs” and “not repeat its conduct by using any aerial means to take photographs or film footage of the duke’s private home.”

According to the BBC, Buckingham Palace said the prince “acknowledges and welcomes the formal apology.”

iMediaEthics has written to the prince’s lawyer as well as Splash News. The prince’s lawyer declined to comment.

UPDATED: 5/17/2019: 8:34 AM:

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Prince Harry gets $ from photo agency for bedroom, living room pictures

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