Reno TV Apologizes for Saying Gay Marriage a 'Sin'

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KOLO-8's apology. (Credit: Facebook, screenshot)

Reno, Navada ABC-affiliate KOLO-TV 8 apologized for a “poorly written play on words” grouping gay marriage in which “sin” like “quickie divorces, prostitution, gambling,” Media Bistro’s TV Spy reported.

The apology (see here) reads:

“A promotional spot aired on our station Monday night regarding gay marriage. This was a poorly written play on words that does not reflect the opinions of KOLO 8 News Now. We sincerely apologize to the viewers we offended. This was not our intention.”

According to a May 16 GJ report, the comments were made in “a 16-second promotion for a story about the effect gay marriage would have on Nevada’s economy.”

Hat Tip: Deborah Potter

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Reno TV Apologizes for Saying Gay Marriage a ‘Sin’

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