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iMediaEthics closely follows news from press regulators, ombudsmen, standards editors and others who offer guidance or findings on journalism ethics issues. Below, read a round-up of some notable public editors’ and media ethics news, and a highlight of media organizations’ advice for reporting.
South Africa got a new press ombudsman, Pippa Green.
NPR extended Elizabeth Jensen’s public editor contract.
PBS appointed a new public editor, Ricardo Sandoval-Palos.
South Africa’s National Editors’ Forum launched a media ethics inquiry.
Johns Hopkins University’s student newspaper The News-Letter appointed its first public editor.
Columbia Journalism Review appointed its own public editors for four news outlets, but didn’t appoint one for itself (and the title of public editor is confusing since they don’t work for or have any special access to the news outlets they cover).
New Guidance for Reporting
Various organizations released new or updated guidance for reporting or standards, as iMediaEthics has reported throughout the year.
The Guardian issued new climate reporting advice.
The Orlando Sentinel updated its social media guidelines.
The Australian Press Council released guidance for reporting on sexual orientation and gender identity.
The UK press regulator the Independent Press Standards Organisation issued guidance for reporting on children, reporting on natural disasters and terror attacks, reporting on Sikhism, and reporting on sexual assault victims.
A complaint to the National News Media Council in Canada prompted a British Columbia newspaper to remind staff not to use the term “wheelchair-bound.”
The BBC updated its social media guidelines.
CNN created new polling standards.
The Detroit Metro Times updated its style guide and will now capitalize “Black” in articles.
The National Association of Hispanic Journalists offered guidance for reporting on mass shootings inclusively.
The Associated Press updated its entry on race, advising journalist to just say something is racist if it is and not hedge with “racially charged.”
Australia’s Channel Seven was ordered by the broadcast regulator to review its processes and retrain staff.
Two public editors — the Globe and Mail’s Sylvia Stead and NPR’s Elizabeth Jensen — reviewed their news outlets’ coverage of vaccinations.
NPR reminded not to call sexual assault or abuse victims under 18 “underage women” and “underage men” but rather girls and boys.
In at least two cases this year, the UK press regulator the Independent Press Standards Organisation reminded the public that it’s not harassment for a news outlet to contact the subject of a story.
Did we leave new guidance or information out that you think should be included? E-mail us at info@asrlab.org.