San Antonio Express-News Public Editor: Don't Read into Political Stories - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: Organization of News Ombudsmen, screenshot)

The San Antonio Express-News’ public editor Bob Richter wrote earlier this month that journalists “must stay out of politics.”

In response to readers’ criticism of political leanings, Richter explained that the Express-News usually doesn’t know staff’s political beliefs and that the newspaper doesn’t ask about political beliefs.  Quoting from the newspaper’s ethics guidelines, Richter noted that Express-News staff aren’t allowed to contribute money or time advocating in political issues and candidacies.

Richter suggested that readers not read into political reports, citing reader criticism of his column advising the newspaper to look into why “Rick Perry fans…’adore’ him.”  Further, Richter rejected “conservative” readers responding that his call was “a phony attempt to be objective.”


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San Antonio Express-News Public Editor: Don’t Read into Political Stories

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