Sandy Hook Parents sue InfoWars, Alex Jones over 'Crisis Actors' claims - iMediaEthics

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InfoWars is being sued (Credit: Facebook/InfoWars)

The parents of two children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting are suing Alex Jones and his conspiracy site InfoWars for his claims they are “crisis actors” and that their children were never killed.

The lawsuits were filed by Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, whose son Noah Pozner died, and Neil Heslin, whose son Jesse Heslin died. Both are suing for at least $1 million, according to BuzzFeed.

The parents are suing over claims including Jones’ allegation De La Rosa did an interview in front of a green screen, that De La Rosa shouldn’t be believed, and that Heslin lied when he said he held his son after his death, BuzzFeed reported. “By making renewed accusations about the plaintiffs in 2017, Infowars breathed new life into this conspiracy and caused intense emotional anguish and despair,” the lawsuit alleges.

His site InfoWars received White House credentials last year. Earlier this month, Jones and InfoWars were sued for defamation because the site published a photo of a random Massachussetts man claiming he was the Parkland, Florida school shooter.

“Even after these folks had to experience this trauma, for the next five years they were tormented by Alex Jones with vicious lies about them,” the lawyer in the case, Mark Bankston, told the HuffPost.

iMediaEthics has sent a direct message to InfoWars asking for a response to the lawsuit. We’ve also written to Bankston asking why the families decided to sue now.

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Sandy Hook Parents sue InfoWars, Alex Jones over ‘Crisis Actors’ claims

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