Indonesian Social Media Standards?

Indonesian journalists now have set of standards pertaining to social media, the Jakarta Globe reported.

Press Council ethics chair Agus Sudibyo advised that journalists ensure “their news reports are independent and impartial and do not reflect their personal opinion as expressed in their Twitter accounts,” according to the Jakarta Globe.

However, Alliance of Independent Journalists’ Indonesia advocacy coordinator  Margiono reminded that social media ethics standards must not “infringe on journalists’ freedom of expression and their political views.”

 “I think it’s excessive to forbid journalists from commenting on certain issues in their social media accounts.”

The Jakarta Globe noted that Australia’s Australian Broadcasting Corporation advises its journalists divide their “personal and professional” accounts.  And the Bangkok Post recommends journalists clearly identify when they are making their own comments as opposed to official newspaper policy.

iMediaEthics has written to the Alliance of Independent Journalists’ Indonesia for more information and will update with any response.