A CDC graphic of the coronavirus (Credit :CDC)
An April 26 correction from the Associated Press:
“SALT LAKE CITY – In a story April 24, 2020, about states stockpiling the drug hydroxychloroquine, The Associated Press erroneously reported that 200 patients in South Dakota were being treated with the drug. Sanford Health says that as of Tuesday, there were 200 patients who have recovered from COVID-19 in a registry, and that some of them may have taken hydroxychloroquine, but it was not a requirement.”
An April 30 NPR correction:
“An earlier version of this story incorrectly called Los Angeles the first major city to offer free coronavirus testing to all residents. At least one other city, Houston, began free testing to all residents earlier this month.”
An April 30 Guardian correction:
“An article about Sweden said that its “Public Health Agency estimates up to 20% of its population has contracted the virus”. In fact, that figure relates to the population of Stockholm only (We will take tougher action if needed, says minister, 28 April, page 24).”
An April 29 NPR correction:
“An earlier version of this story, as well as an earlier caption, mistakenly said the funding for the research project on bats and coronaviruses was cut on April 25. It was cut on April 24.”
A USA Today correction:
News: An earlier version of this article misstated coronavirus transmission information. There is no evidence that shows the virus can transmit through an open cut, wound or blister. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/04/07/coronavirus-reader-questions-answered-stimulus-antibodies-groceries-ventilator/2940960001/
Money: In a story April 6, 2020, about furloughs at outdoor retailer REI due to the coronavirus outbreak, the Associated Press erroneously reported that corporate staff would see a 25% pay cut. About 25% of corporate staff at the company’s Seattle-area headquarters will be laid off, and the remaining workers who make above $65,000 annually will have their wages temporarily cut up to 10%. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/04/06/coronavirus-rei-stores-stay-shut-workers-furloughed-no-pay-ceo/2959509001/