According to Sports Newser, the NYPost and its columnist are being sued for libel over this column. (Credit: NYPost)
ESPN’s Chris Sheridan has filed a libel lawsuit against the New York Post and its columnist Peter Vecsey, Media Bistro’s Sports Newser reported.
According to Sports Newser, Sheridan’s lawsuit alleges that Vecsey’s Dec. 14 “maliciously false article” called into question Sheridan’s “veracity and competence as a journalist.” According to Forbes, the lawsuit also alleges the article is “shirking any semblance of responsible journalism.”
Vecsey’s column criticized Sheridan for reporting that Carmelo Anthony would be traded to the New York Knicks. Vecsey wrote that he didn’t think the Knicks “have best shot” at Anthony and claimed that “Sheridan’s account is such a fake he needs to be called out.”
Sheridan called unsuccessfully for a retraction in April, Forbes reported.
Sports Newser commented: “Really guys? A lawsuit? Over that?” Forbes labeled the suit a “journalistic foul” because while Sheridan alleges his competence as a journalist was called into question, the suit shows “a blatant disregard for the first amendment rights that have him the freedom to write.”
UPDATE: 06/23/2011 1:01 PM EST: Corrected typo in first brief. Thanks to reader Ron Brynaert for letting us know.