by Sydney Smith on Mar 07, 2018
Corrections: Did Sam Nunberg call Trump a Magnet? Is Brooklyn in Canada?
iMediaEthics' latest roundup of amusing, newsworthy or noteworthy corrections is below: Is Trump a magnet or a magnate? An NPR...
iMediaEthics' latest roundup of amusing, newsworthy or noteworthy corrections is below: Is Trump a magnet or a magnate? An NPR...
Australia's published an article about ISIS's new "terror guide" which included excerpts from the terrorist group's "step-by-step guide on...
Some of the most common type of errors made by news outlets often include issues such as name spelling, numbers,...
University of Arizona men's basketball coach Sean Miller is disputing ESPN's report on him, and ESPN corrected it. But then,...
Is it an invasion of privacy for a newspaper to report personal details from another news outlet's article? Or, at...
The Leveson Inquiry into UK press standards and practices was officially shut down yesterday, meaning there will not be a...
A UK highway was shut down because officials were concerned a man might die by suicide. Many people stuck in...
Update: NPR in 2019 updated its correction and public editor article to reflect that some of the public editor article...
Both Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson at Fox News issued on-air updates after reporting allegations that CNN "scripted" its town...
Online news site The Inquisitr reported that singer Neil Diamond was going to have a brain operation to treat Parkinson's...