by Sydney Smith on Feb 28, 2011
UK Site Churnalism Matches News Articles with Press Releases, a new non-profit website established by the Media Standards Trust, seeks to identify when stories published in the news..., a new non-profit website established by the Media Standards Trust, seeks to identify when stories published in the news...
The Newspaper Guild has started a movement to send letters calling on the HuffPost to pay its bloggers. The Newspaper...
As has been widely reported, Buffalo Beast editor Ian Murphy posed as Koch Industries' executive vice president David Koch in...
University of California San Diego student humor publication The Koala labeled a "female student government representative a 'fat wh-re' in...
Typically Spanish reported that the Spanish sports newspaper AS issued an apology after Photoshopping a screenshot of the soccer game...
More than two weeks after his extradition hearing started, Julian Assange was ordered extradited back to Sweden for questioning about "accusations...
As iMediaEthics previously reported, Canadian regulator Canada Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) was to consider a change to its rules regarding...
As iMediaEthics previously reported, Ukrainian newspaper Kyiv Post blocked its traffic from the United Kingdom in December after been sued for...
The Los Angeles Times' readers' representative, Deidre Edgar, explained in a recent blog post why the Los Angeles Times, the...
Author Karin Calvo-Goller reportedly filed a defamation lawsuit in France over a review of her book The Trial Proceedings of the International...