by Danielle Elliot on Dec 13, 2009
Newsweek Didn’t Disclose Reporter Yuval Levin’s Former Job with George W. Bush
Newsweek is defending its decision to not inform readers that one of its reporters, Yuval Levin, was a bioethics adviser...
Newsweek is defending its decision to not inform readers that one of its reporters, Yuval Levin, was a bioethics adviser...
Toronto Star public editor Kathy English researched the practice of editing online news and unpublishing in a 21-page report, "The...
We do not wish to continue beating the Tiger Woods drum. The tabloids and even some mainstream media have done...
The recent controversy over White House crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi has raised many ethical questions about the actions of...
Usually media errors claim few dramatic victims: a misspelling here, a fake photo there, but no real harm to private...
If there were any worries that a new redesigned, more Web-connected PBS NewsHour (no longer “With Jim Lehrer") might lose...
Has the New York Times changed its ethical standards? The paper recently refused to publish a slew of controversially obtained...
If you want better treatment, you have to ask for it. That seems to be the driving sentiment behind a...
With Jayson Blair lecturing publicly to university students about how plagiarism and fabrication got him kicked off the New York...
In a December 2 post for McGuire on Media, a blog on the Arizona State University Walter Cronkite School of...