Sued over an Instagram Post: The Game Has to pay Nanny $200K - iMediaEthics

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Rapper the Game was sued for an Instagram post.

We’ve had Twitter libel lawsuits and now there’s an Instagram libel lawsuit on the books.

U.S. rapper The Game (real name: Jayceon Terrell Taylor) was sued for comments he posted on his Instagram account about his former nanny.

The Game’s summer 2013 Instagram post claimed his former nanny neglected his children, had sex, drank and smoked while working, and had a history of “inappropriately touching children,” the Associated Press reported.

He called her a “very dangerous babysitter,” reported. Screnshots from the Instagram post, published by, show The Game posted a photo of the woman with white text in all caps added on top of the photo reading: “Beware, if this person is watching your children she is a very dangerous baby sitter.” Then there are three pages of text naming and accusing the woman of “lying, stealing, screaming at my kids, mistreating others kids & doing very inappropriate & unbecoming things of a babysitter.”

A portion of the Instagram post that prompted a lawsuit.

A portion of the Instagram post that prompted a lawsuit.

The post claimed the nanny had sex in a child’s room, “disrespects” other parents and “neglects” and “abuses” children.

The Game had more than a million followers on Instagram when he made the post, which he has since deleted, according to the Mail Online.

His former nanny said the Instagram claims caused her firing from another nanny job and depression. The nanny also said she received death threats and harassment, according to Courthouse News Service.

Because The Game didn’t respond to the lawsuit, the judge “issued a $200,627 default judgment against the rapper.”

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Sued over an Instagram Post: The Game Has to pay Nanny $200K

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