Sun unpublishes Caroline Flack story after her death - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: Wikipedia/grassrootsgroundswell)

The Sun unpublished an article about a Valentine’s Day card that made fun of Love Island host Caroline Flack. Flack died by suicide Feb. 15

“It is unclear when the story about the Valentine’s Day card, which was published on Friday but replaced with a legal removal story by Saturday evening – when her death was announced – was taken down,” the Guardian reported.

The Feb. 14 article was headlined, “NO FLACKS GIVEN: Brutal Caroline Flack Valentine’s Day card mocks troubled star with ‘I’ll f***ing lamp you’ message.” Flack was accused of assaulting her boyfriend with a lamp, pleaded not guilty, and the trial was upcoming.

Love Island is a reality dating TV show broadcast by ITV. Flack “hosted the series from its inception in 2015 until last December when she was charged with” that assault, according to CNN.

iMediaEthics has written to the Sun for more information about its decision.

The Guardian published an “analysis” of coverage of Flack, finding more negative than positive stories when she was charged with assault. While the Guardian noted its analysis was “by no means definitive,” it argued: “What the analysis does reveal, however, is that Flack was under enormous media scrutiny and negative coverage notably increased after the alleged assault.”

UPDATED: 2/23/2020 1:41 PM With more information

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Sun unpublishes Caroline Flack story after her death

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