by David W. Moore on May 18, 2012
CBS/NYTimes Poll Skews the Presidential Vote Question
Asking respondents who they will vote for in the presidential election several months away is a bit problematic. A lot...
Asking respondents who they will vote for in the presidential election several months away is a bit problematic. A lot...
Recently, the ABC News/Washington Post poll reported that Mitt Romney “has emerged from the Republican primary season with the weakest...
MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell apologized April 11 for his comments on Mormonism, Mediaite reported. In his April 11 apology, O'Donnell...
Just before April 1, the Bakersfield Californian issued a retraction for an "item in Friday's Outdoors column, by Steve Merlo." ...
COMMENTARY Selecting which facts to present in news stories is mostly a matter of judgment. Some alleged news organizations intentionally...
The Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation gave the Oklahoma City University's Mass Communications department a $50,000 grant to help...
New York Times op-ed columnist Charles M. Blow apologized for his Feb. 22 tweet about Mitt Romney, the National Review's...
All over the news this week are the amazing results of a Gallup tracking poll, which shows Rick Santorum leading...
U.S. congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) claimed the Boston Globe's story "that speculated she'd be throwing her support behind Mitt Romney" during his...
Journalist Julian Sanchez accused the New York Times of publishing a "very light, very lazy rewrite" of a 2008 article...