This Monkey is not Mitt Romney, Getty Removes Photo Error - iMediaEthics

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This monkey photo was labeled as Mitt Romney (Credit: Getty via Politico)

Getty Images misidentified a photo of a monkey wearing a red shirt as a picture of Mitt Romney, Politico reported.

The caption for the monkey photo, credited to Xinhua/Landov/Barcroft Media via Getty, reads:

“Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks during a campaign rally on January 02, 2012 in Des Moines, Iowa. As the first contest for the U.S. Republican Party to nominate its presidential candidate draws near, hopefuls of the Grand Old Party (GOP) are making their final dash toward the caucuses on Jan. 3 in Iowa.”

Getty took the photo down after Politico contacted it, Mediaite noted. Politico had come across the photo and incorrect caption recently. In a statement, Getty told Politico “We regret that the wrong caption was inadvertently applied to the photo. The image has been removed from our website.”

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This Monkey is not Mitt Romney, Getty Removes Photo Error

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