Tom Cruise Suing 2 Magazines over Suri Cruise Stories

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Tom Cruise is suing over an In Touch report, as well as a Life and Style cover. (Credit:, screenshot)

Tom Cruise is suing Bauer Publishing Company over In Touch and Life and Style stories about his relationship with his daughter Suri, the New York Times reported.

In question are Life and Style’s July 30 cover “Suri in Tears, Abandoned by Her Dad,” and In Touch’s Oct. 1 “Abandoned by Daddy” caption.

Cruise’s lawyer, Bert Fields, is quoted as saying: “To falsely accuse him of abandoning his child crosses the line.” ABC News added that Fields said “To say it in lurid headlines with a tearful picture of Suri is reprehensible.”

iMediaEthics wrote in July questioning the New York Daily News’ front page feature and Page 3 photos and story about Suri Cruise crying reportedly over “an adorable puppy.”

Also at the time, iMediaEthics noted that Cruise’s lawyer Fields threatened to sue National Enquirer over its report “Inside Tom’s House of Horrors!” alleging that among other things, Cruise is a “monster” who “almost treated” Katie Holmes “like a battered wife.”

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Tom Cruise Suing Magazines over Suri Cruise Stories

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