by Sydney Smith on Jul 01, 2015
Why It Would Have been OK to Write The N-Word in reporting on Obama’s interview
It would have been OK for news outlets to spell out the n-word when reporting last week on President Barack...
It would have been OK for news outlets to spell out the n-word when reporting last week on President Barack...
"What ethical responsibility do journalists have to eliminate hate speech and stereotypical reporting?" EuroPride Oslo 2014 is hosting a journalism...
The Chicago Sun-Times is fed up with their commenters' behavior, which the editors describe without varnish as often "a morass...
Indigenous people opened their newspapers last week in Western Canada to read, in a letter from a reader, that their race...
Fake "political, anti-Semitic and comical" tweets were posted by hackers on "several BBC Twitter accounts' last week, the Associated Press...
The Syrian Freedom Association claims French magazine Charlie Hebdo's publication of Muhammad cartoons were "publicly provoking discrimination, hatred or violence of...
Bolovia's government claims that Bolivian news agency Fides News Agency's report, published by the agency and two newspapers, on the...
KTLA's entertainment reporter, Sam Rubin, called out Gawker for a post about his Twitter account. Gawker had reported on Rubin's...
In the dark of night on June 14, 2012, vandals spray painted symbols of hate in a largely Jewish neighborhood...