by David W. Moore on Sep 16, 2010
Bush-Era Tax Cuts & Public Opinion: Those Crazy Media Polls Are At It Again!
Based on its most recent poll of the American public, the Associated Press just announced that “Almost half the country opposes...
Based on its most recent poll of the American public, the Associated Press just announced that “Almost half the country opposes...
“Ground Zero” Mosque and Muslim media polls tell us what?That a majority of Americans are just a bunch of Islamophobes?...
In recent days, there has been a flurry of news stories commenting on recent polls, showing a substantial percentage of...
To approve or not to approve of “the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president” -- That is...
Josh Nelson wrote July 19 on his blog EnviroKnow that Bloomberg News "refuses to correct" a "blatantly false" story about...
Veteran pollster David Moore found a troubling contradiction when comparing a Pew Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism's report to...
Are Americans anti-incumbent this year? In the famous words of an infamous resident of Wasilla, Alaska, “you betcha!” Or so...
Virtually every legitimate- or junk-poll these days turns up a majority (or seeming majority) in favor of the recently passed...
Polls and commentary about the Tea Party movement and its supporters, their politics, their demographics and psychographics proliferate as I...