by Sydney Smith on Jun 27, 2011
Ghana Media Advised on Sensationalism, Crime Reporting, Media Ownership
A UN ambassador warned Ghana media outlets against reporting sensational headlines and crime stories, daily Ghana newspaper the Daily Guide...
A UN ambassador warned Ghana media outlets against reporting sensational headlines and crime stories, daily Ghana newspaper the Daily Guide...
The Guardian's Roy Greenslade highlighted a recent article by Brian Cathcart for Index on Censorship, in which Cathcart identifies "the existence...
UK's Channel 4 aired a documentary called "Sri Lanka's Killing Fields" about the "final weeks of Sri Lanka's 25 year...
Margaret Somerville, McGill University's director of the Centre for Medicine, Ethics, and Law, questioned the ethics of reporting on the...
The New York Times and the Washington Post are "crowdsourcing" reporting on the publication of Sarah Palin's e-mails as Alaska...
At a Pakistani seminar, journalists were advised to be responsible in reporting on "the deteriorating security situation," English-language Pakistani newspaper...
The New Times' Arthur Asiimwe reported on a new set of media laws in Rwanda. According to the daily Rwandan...
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews suggested June 6 that Huma Abedin, wife of Rep. Anthony Weiner, may be “partly responsible”...
The Guardian's Alistair Campbell questioned what he called the British media's lack of reporting on the phone hacking allegations. According...