by Sydney Smith on Feb 28, 2011
UK Site Churnalism Matches News Articles with Press Releases, a new non-profit website established by the Media Standards Trust, seeks to identify when stories published in the news..., a new non-profit website established by the Media Standards Trust, seeks to identify when stories published in the news...
As has been widely reported, Buffalo Beast editor Ian Murphy posed as Koch Industries' executive vice president David Koch in...
The San Francisco Chronicle's Phil Bronstein blogged for the Huffington Post that the lawsuit of a California man against a...
As iMediaEthics previously reported, Harvey Purtz filed a lawsuit against the editor-in-chief of the Daily Californian, UC Berkeley's student newspaper, for...
News outlets typically issue corrections whenever they publish incorrect information. However, as more and more news outlets venture onto Twitter...
Arthur Brisbane, the New York Times' public editor, published a series of reader questions and newsroom responses in his Dec....
The New York Times announced in an article that it filed a lawsuit against the New York Police Department (NYPD)...
Move aside, the journalistic debate over objectivity. Instead, let's talk about being transparent. "Is transparency the new objectivity?" Amy Gahran...
The Washington Post's public editor, Andrew Alexander, called on the Post to be more transparent when publishing stories by non-Post...