Town & Country uninvites Monica Lewinsky to event that Bill Clinton is attending - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: Town & Country)

Town & Country magazine apologized after uninviting Monica Lewinsky to its annual philanthropy summit.

Lewinsky, the former White House intern whose affair with then-President Clinton led to his impeachment investigation, tweeted May 9 that she was invited and accepted but then the magazine “uninvite[d] me because Bill Clinton then decided to attend/was invited.” She said the magazine then offered to publish an article by her in its magazine.

Angel Ureña, Bill Clinton’s press secretary, tweeted that Clinton was “invited to address” the event and “gladly accepted” but that “Neither he nor his staff knew anything about the invitation or it being rescinded.”

Town & Country tweeted in the morning May 10, “We apologize to Ms. Lewinsky and regret the way the situation was handled.”

iMediaEthics has written to Town & Country to ask when Lewinsky and Clinton were each invited, why it decided to uninvite Lewinsky and how it would handle the situation differently in the future. We’ve also written to Clinton’s reps to ask when he was invited to the conference and if Town & Country raised the matter of Lewinsky’s attendance.

Hat Tip: Huffington Post


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Town & Country uninvites Monica Lewinsky to event that Bill Clinton is attending

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