Fauxtography: Train Your Eye at Photoshop Disasters

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Photoshop Disasters caption states, "France's President Sarkozy, shown here meeting with Emperor Palpatine, is pursued by Toulouse Lautrec" Note the disembodied walking foot and leg at the bottom right of the Paris-Match photo.

The website reads, “Have you seen a truly awful piece of Photoshop work? Clumsy manipulation, senseless comping, lazy cloning and thoughtless retouching are our bread and butter.”

Photoshop Disasters is a website you should bookmark if you have any interest in, what has been dubbed, “fauxtography.” The examples will both surprise and educate your eyes. Sloppy cut and paste jobs (also called “cloning” ) demonstrate the frequently applied visual deceptions used in the advertising and editorial world. Some time spent in “older posts” will provide a running review of many of the topsy turvey tricks in the digital manipulation trade without ever having to open Photoshop software.

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Train Your Eye at Photoshop Disasters

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