Is it Tuesday or Thursday and other recent media corrections

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(Credit: Wikipedia)

Keeping track of the days of the week can be a problem. Salon faced that problem last month when it mixed up Tuesday and Thursday and had to publish a correction. This and other corrections are featured below in iMediaEthics’ latest roundup of interesting and noteworthy media corrections.

1. Salon mixed up days of the week in a June 22 story about a White House press conference. The correction:

“Correction, June 22, 2017, at 12:50 p.m.: This post originally identified Thursday as Tuesday. It’s been a long week.”

2. Mother Jones corrected after reporting that Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich) was first to suggest Pres. Donald Trump could be impeached. Rep. Carlos Curbelo’s office (R-Fla) called to complain that he was actually the first. Mother Jones‘ May 2017 correction:

“* Correction: Due to an editing error, this article previously stated that Amash was the first Republican to suggest that Trump’s alleged actions could be grounds for impeachment. Following publication, a spokeswoman for Curbelo contacted Mother Jones to point out that “Congressman Curbelo was actually the first Republican to mention impeachment.”

3. The Washington Examiner quoted from a tweet but mixed up the tweeter’s real name with her Twitter username. The Examiner made the error in a story about a New York Times journalist walk-out in protest of the Times‘ layoff of many copy editors. Instead of correctly identifying the tweeter Nikole Hannah-Jones by her name (her handle on Twitter is @nhannahjones), the Examiner referred to her as Ida Bae Wells, the username currently on her account. Ida B. Wells, of course, was an African-American journalist and suffragist.

The editor’s note reads, “Editor’s note: A previous version of this article incorrectly named the writer for New York Times Magazine, confusing her Twitter user name with her real name. Her real name is Nikole Hannah-Jones.”

4.  The New York Post apologized to designer Kimora Lee Simmons earlier this month after making a series of errors including claiming her company was tied to a “corruption probe” in Malaysia. The Post unpublished the May 24 article, “Kimora Lee Simmons’ fashion line at center of corruption probe,” and posted an editor’s note. The June 7 editor’s note reads:

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Is it Tuesday or Thursday? And other recent media corrections

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