Two Journalisms? - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: Index on Censorship)

The Guardian’s Roy Greenslade highlighted a recent article by Brian Cathcart for Index on Censorship, in which Cathcart identifies “the existence of two journalisms — one that acts in the public interest and the other that panders to public prurience.”

As examples of the second kind of journalism, Cathcart highlighted the reporting on Max Mosley (for which a judge ordered News of the World to pay Mosley almost $100,000 because its reports were without justification), the News of the World’s phone hacking and the Daily Express’s reporting on Madeleine McCann’s disappearance (for which the Express unpublished all its stories after accusations of defamation and other ethical violations).

Cathcart claimed “journalists are being tarnished by the activities of professional privacy invaders.”

Read Cathcart’s full analysis here.


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Two Journalisms?

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