UK Parliament Member Mixed up with Sierra Leone Fmr Leader - iMediaEthics

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(Credit: UK Parliament via Flickr)

UK weekly newspaper the Haringey Independent mixed up Parliament member David Lammy with former Sierra Leone leader Julius Maada Bio, UK media site Hold the Front Page reported.

In a recent print report, the Independent published a picture of former Sierra Leone leader Bio wrongly labeled as a photo of David Lammy, a Parliament member, with a story titled “MP David Lammy considers taking Ed Milliband’s job as Labour Leader.”

The story also misspelled Miliband’s last name as Milliband.

According to Hold the Front Page, the Independent swapped out the incorrect photo and has “updated to say that [Lammy] has now ruled himself out of the race.”

The newspaper’s editor, Tim Jones, admitted the error was “an embarassing cock up” because the reporter was “too trusting of a photographer’s caption.”

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UK Parliament Member Mixed up with Sierra Leone Fmr Leader

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