‘Using Tweets to Interview’ : Are 140 Character Twinterviews the Future of Journalism?

Media Bistro’s Fishbowl DC wondered if “Twinterviews” is the “new journalism” ? Twinterviews says it is combination of Twitter + interviews in up to 140 characters. Their slogan?  “Using Tweets to Interview.” Twinterview writes: “Tweeterview is designed to allow for Twitter users to conduct more in-depth ‘Tweeterviews’ or ‘Twinterviews’ without giving up the benefits of twitter.

Citing ABC reporter Jake Tapper’s  Dec. 16 “Twinterview” with Sen. John McCain, at a 40 character length, MediaBistro’s Fishbowl DC explained that “twinterviews” — or interviews conducted over Twitter, have also been labeled web chats. Tapper (see his Twitter account here) has executed several interviews over Twitter, Media Bistro noted.