Viral Support Campaign for Breast Cancer Mom in Custody Battle Doesn't Tell Whole Story - iMediaEthics

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(American Cancer Society)

A custody battle in North Carolina has triggered more than 21,000 Facebook “likes” as the public rallies to support Alaina Giordano, who reportedly was ” losing custody of her two children because of breast cancer”

But, the AP noted that ” the real story is far more complicated and features a night in jail for both parents, accusations of infidelity on both sides and corresponding restraining orders.”

Jane Kirtley, who directs a media ethics and law center at the Univ. of Minnesota, commented that the case is an example of “what I’d almost characterize as naiveté people use when they approach these new media. People assume that everything posted there is true.”

According to the AP, Giordano and her “estranged husband,” Kane Snyder have both been arrested and jailed for a night after a 2009 fight and accused the other of “mistreatment and infidelity.”

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Viral Support Campaign for Breast Cancer Mom in Custody Battle Doesn’t Tell Whole Story

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