Want a WikiLeaks Mug?

WikiLeaks isn’t just publishing leaked documents anymore.  Now the site is peddling WikiLeaks mugs and memorabilia, the Wall Street Journal reported.

“This month, Wikileaks opened an online shop hawking coffee mugs, bumper stickers and T-shirts emblazoned with Mr. Assange’s image.  One shirt shows the white-haired Australian dressed as the Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara.  ‘Viva la Informacion!’ it says.”

Digital Trends listed some of the items for sale at the WikiLeaks Shop:  “t-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, duffel bags, iPad sleeves, hats and even a ‘not so leaky’ umbrella.”

“A fair amount of the merchandise features Julian Assange’s face,” according to Digital Trends, which noted that there are already “two films in the works based on Wikileaks and its controversial founder.”