Where to Find Media Polls (for Free)

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New poll results are announced almost every day, in one media organization or another. Other polls are cited in all sorts of publications. Once you see a poll report, the name of the pollster should be included. You could then go to the site to find the exact question wording.

Many times polls are cited without sufficient accompanying information to know who did the poll and other important details. That is in violation of professional polling standards, but it happens anyway. When that happens, you need to use all the Internet detective skills you have to track down the important information you need.

Most polling organizations have their own websites, and you can go to most of them (except those that charge subscription fees) to get details on their results.

There are several websites which include the results of many pollsters, usually arranged by topic or by date of interviewing. Below are some of those websites, though there are undoubtedly others as well. (Not listed are individual websites for any specific pollster. You can usually get to those websites from any of the sites listed below, either by clicking on a link, or by getting enough information to put in your Internet search engine.


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Where to Find Media Polls (for Free)

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