Willie Nelson not a Duck Dynasty star, HuffPost corrects mix up - iMediaEthics

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Willie Nelson is NOT on Duck Dynasty.

iMediaEthics just came across a comical December mix-up from the Huffington Post.  On a story titled, “‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Willie Robertson Is ‘Trying To Figure Out’ If Being Gay Is A Choice,” Huffington Post mixed up Duck Dynasty‘s Willie Robertson with singer/songwriter Willie Nelson.

Duck Dynasty is a reality TV series aired on the A & E Network that follows the lives of a family whose business is making duck calls. The men on the series sport long hair and scraggly facial hair, as does Willie Nelson.

The correction below a Dec. 17 story reads:

“CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly referred to Willie Robertson as “Willie Nelson” in one instance. This has been corrected.”

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Willie Nelson not a Duck Dynasty star, HuffPost corrects mix up

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