Yemeni Journalists Accuse Newspapers of Fake News

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Yemeni journalists criticized media reporting of protests. (Credit: Al Arabiya)

Yemeni journalists have disputed what they claim are fake newspaper stories about protests calling for “toppling” the president, Al Arabiya, an Arab news channel, reported.

Journalists at government-run newspaper, al-Thawra, claimed that the newspaper created fake news stories in a statement.  Among the comments in the statement:

“We wash our hands of the media’s violation of journalistic and professional ethics.  The media should be objective in the way it communicates news to the people.”

The statement went on to back the protests and ask for media reforms.

A statement from journalists at al-Gomhoria also called for the media to “convey a truthful image of the protests and offer an objective coverage.”

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Yemeni Journalists Accuse Newspapers of Fake News

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